Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm here...he's there

There really isn't much to tell about the last two days.  After Monday, these two days have been rather

The best part of the days were the fact that we got to spend some time with one of my college friends who lives in the Baytown area.  Mitzi and her granddaughter Baylee came and took us to lunch.  It felt good to be around someone who has been a friend I dare say???...46 years.  That concept was totally lost on Baylee, who is only 4 yrs. old....but it felt normal to enjoy lunch with a friend.

Roy's two radiation treatments went very smoothly.  Infact both days we were about 20 minutes early for the appointments and they were able to take him in and he was finished about the time the appointment was scheduled.  They were both early morning and so we had the rest of the day free to do whatever we wanted.  Which meant lunch and an afternoon nap.  Roy is having more fatigue than he has had in the past, but we consider that a blessing in comparison to other symtoms that might occur.

I have learned some interesting facts about M.D.Anderson.  Ofcourse, I'm overhearing everyone's conversations as we sit around and wait...and then wait some more.  But, the hospital was initially a WWI hospital.  What really amazed me is they have approximately 21,000 medical staff and support people who work for the hospitals in that area.  We did find an entrance marked No. 70 ( I had mentioned earlier that the main hospital is entrance No. 2 and we had seen No. 5??? something).  I guess if I keep riding the shuttle around to the different places there might be even more!

I came home today to beable to work Thursday and Friday.  I left Roy alone but I'm thinking he was probably pretty content....I think 24/7 being around me is a little much for him.  He assured me he wasn't going to go hungry and he could get on the shuttle to get to the next radiation treatment.  Can't imagine why the "mother" in me drives him a little batty???

We are blessed so much by the way he has handled all the treatments.  I visited with a father from Kentucky whose daughter had brain surgery yesterday...after having a bone marrow transplant.  And a girl from Atlanta who has been in Houston since February in treatment and won't get to go home until August.  How can we complain about 5 weeks???  God is so good to us and we know we are walking in His light.

God is in control and holding our hand.


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