This is a real blessed day for Roy and I. When a patient finishes radiation in Houston,they are allowed to ring a bell that is outside radiation 3 times. Roy got to ring the bell today! We are so excited that the 5 weeks of radiation and the almost 10 weeks of chemotherapy are finally over. At one point in the beginning I thought it would last forever but because of having the grandkids come visit, watching Shay play softball in Houston, being with my college friend, Mitzi, seeing my cousin Judy and friends from Fort Worth, Jimmy and Beth, the time did pass much more quickly.
Unfortunately, they've already scheduled the next phase. M.D.Anderson has a web site that patients can go on to see when their next appointments are. They have already scheduled the next endoscopy for the end of August. One of my prayers will be looking on "mymdanderson" and not seeing an appointment scheduled. Won't that be a blessed day??? Hopefully we won't have to stay very long when we go in August. They (the doctors) don't understand that ACU football starts pretty soon after the end of August, we have to keep our priorities straight and be in Abilene to watch Justin play ball.
Roy is really not feeling good tonight. I hope that it's just being tired from all that he did this week. I think he was so excited about getting through that it's a relief now that it is over and he has just let down. Does that make sense?? Sherri picked him up from Ryan and he got home around 3 this afternoon...took a nap and was up for awhile but now back in bed. Eating was an issue today. I couldn't get him to eat anything healthy for him because it was hurting so badly. That will be something I will have to work on with him over the next few days.
We are still planning to leave for Russia this next Friday. Please, please keep him in your prayers. A prayer that he will be strong enough to make the trip. That the issue of eating will have resolved itself to where he can eat and not feel sick or it hurt. We have been so blessed that the symptoms haven't been any worse than they have so we want them to start getting better! How do people who don't have a faith in the Lord and know where their comfort comes from make this journey???
God is in control and holding our hand.
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