Friday, December 28, 2012

Why does this feel familiar???

Last year about this time Roy had his left knee replaced.  It was easy for him to have the surgery and for him rehab wasn't as hard as he expected.  His left knee felt so good afterwards that he knew that he would go ahead and have his right knee done sooner rather than later.

Then we ran into the little problem of discovering his cancer.  Thank you knee replacement for finding that sooner rather than later!  I don't think he really realized how bad his right knee was until the left knee felt so good.  He made the decision about a month ago to go ahead and have the right knee replaced, which he did today.  He is back in his room, not feeling any pain.  Ofcourse, his knee is still numb and will be until sometime tomorrow.  Then we'll see if there is no pain.  They will have him walking in the morning and in the afternoon.  He will come home from the hospital on Monday.  We really like his doctor and if you live in the metroplex we would recommend Dr. Taunton to anyone.  He has been used by many of our friends and we haven't heard anything negative about him.  The only negative thing that could be said, and this is really only Roy's negative, the food is catered at the hospital he is in.  They only have 16 beds and they bring food in from Cafe foo food according to Roy.  Now, I love shrimp/avocado salad...tuna sandwiches...pesto chicken.  I'm going have to take him Whataburgers!!!

So, here we go with rehab for the next several weeks.  There will be someone who comes to the house 3 days a week for awhile.  If the knee has no more problems than the other knee, he will do fine.
Two weeks after surgery last year was when Stan and Sherri's house burn and Roy was walking around looking at the results of the fire without using a cane or, we feel good about the future results of this surgery.

As far as the cancer is concerned, we have appointments the middle of March.  Please keep us in your prayers that the next set of tests show no cancer.  If so, we might beable to go 6 months without going to Houston.  We are so thankful for being allowed to enjoy our family at Christmas and have the quality of life that we have had this past 6 months...pretty cool, considering what we were facing last April...God is good to us.

God is in control and holding our hands


1 comment:

  1. Wow...given the medical expenses, you guys should get a healthy tax refund. We pray for Roy to stay cancer-free every day...and God will provide.
