Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good Reports!

We have just returned from M.D.Anderson last evening.  It appears that both the Petscan and Endoscopy were good.  They are never very positive when giving us results and that is mainly because they don't ever see very good outcomes from esophageal cancer when surgery is not done.  It's not that they say it's the worse thing that we could have decided but they always give us the impression that we still have a long way to go before they are confident in the decision that we made.  Plus we never have biopsy results initially.  They call us with that.

The surgeon did tell us that he didn't see the need for us to see him each time we come.  So, we won't make appointments with him and will only see him if needed.  The oncologist is a different story.  She would not agree to having tests done every six months.  She still feels for at least another year that we need to come back every three months.  You know, if that is all that is asked of us...we are good to go.  Every three months in Houston is a blessed event in comparison to where all this could have lead us eleven months ago.  It will be one year April 10th...and a definite diagnosis on the 13th. 

So, the four days we were gone were a true joy.  We were able to share Ryan's birthday with him on Friday.  We attended the 5k to raise money for Scott&White on Saturday.  I had planned to walk the 5k but Holly's mom and aunt and I ended up talking through it..and then we did the 1k...which was really more our speed.  Walking and talking isn't exactly my forte. 

After church on Sunday we took the grandkids to eat while Ryan and Holly had another event.  Georgia Kate is such a joy to be with and ofcourse, we never get tired of Tyler.  He does ask a lot of questions and we do spend lot's of time answering the same questions again.  He words them differently each time so it always takes me a little while to realize I've answered that question before.  I just always pray I give the same answer each time!

I managed to get sick while we were gone.  I think it was on Saturday when it was really chilly and cold.  So, I had a hacking cough the two days we were at the hospital.  I tried really hard not to cough as we were sitting waiting on tests.  The endoscopy was three hours late...the only issue was not getting to meet our friends, Tom and Mitzi for Mexican food.  That was very disappointing to both Roy and I.  I immediately came home and went to my doctor and have medicine and I'm sure at some point I will feel better...I'm sure I will...

So back to Houston in June...Justin plays football down in the Houston area next fall and we are praying that it will work out for us to make just a trip for a game and tests.  Wouldn't that be great??

Thank you for all your concern, support and prayers.  It still amazes me that we have the support of as many friends as we do and we both feels so blessed because of you!

God is in control and holding our hand.


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