Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I forgot to mention

I think in the 3 paragraphs that got deleted I probably mentioned this tidbit of information..

Roy's cancer is call esophagealadenocarsinoma...which is a long word that really means this cancer is located at the base of the esophagus/stomach. It was caught in the early stages but is still a difficult type of cancer to deal with..


  1. Praying for you all. Know that God is in control and He tells us to joyful in all things...thanking Him for early detection, for the doctor and his faith, for a strong and committed family to get you all through the hard times. I think God is not only holding your hand, but he'll carry you two through the chemo and surgery. -- Beverly Watson

  2. You and Roy are in my prayers. I know that God's love and blessing will carry you through, and you are a great faith example to us all. "Be of good Courage," and know that many prayers are flowing to His Throne.

  3. Wrote a comment last night and it disappeared. Just know that Fred and I are praying for you and Roy. We know you are relying on God throughout this journey. Your kids and grandkids are learning so much by watching you and your strong faith! And we are learning, you both.
