I can't believe I've really created a blog. I didn't particularily want to do this. I've never felt I had anything that anyone else would be interested in reading. I guess with what we are starting in our journey through Roy's illness that this is the best way to keep everyone posted.
Last Tuesday I awoke to hear Roy being really sick in the bathroom. Nothing like I had ever heard before...by the time I got to him he was out of it. It took about 30 seconds for me to get him aware of me. He wouldn't let me call 911 at the time, decided he would just go back to bed. I went to work but only stayed about an hour...came home to find he had passed out again. When he passed out the 3rd time (ok..I'm not really that slow on the uptake..but he kept saying not to call the paramedics) I called 911. When they got here his blood pressure was 78/43 and he had been bleeding internally.
One night in ICU and 2 pints of blood later, the hospital started testing. Bottom line is he has
esophagealadenocarsinoma. He had a PET SCAN today and wil see the surgeon tomorrow. We don't know what we are going to be told...all I know is I've been praying that the "mass" is gone. If not then whatever we have to deal with, we will.
God is in control and is holding our hands.
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