Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Prolonged Journey

I've spent some time thinking of what I want to share and how I'm feeling about the news that we received this last week in Houston. 

Roy had the PETSCAN and endoscopy this last week.  We met with the oncologist on Friday afternoon.  Even though the scan showed there was no cancer cells that could be seen she still recommended that he have the surgery.  They did a biopsy on some of the tissue in the esophagus but we won't know the results of that until later this week.  It will not change the recommendation of surgery. 

It has been difficult to accept.  We have prayed so hard that they would say "no cancer, no surgery" but the studies do not support that theory.  And, truthfully, they never really did give us much of a chance of that.  What we were told by the oncologist was that 2/3rds of the people who make that decision are back in 2 years with cancer.  So, it sounds llike a no brainer...but the recovery from surgery is not easy.  It is a long and hard recovery...possibly as long as a year before he can eat what he is use to having.

So, now we are in a waiting game of learning when we will see the surgeon.  We have an appointment the 26th of September with the radiologist but the oncologist will not let us wait that long to see the surgeon.  We will just be checking the web site to see when we need to go back.  We were told that usually it takes 2-3 weeks to schedule surgery.  There is so much going on this fall that we hate to miss but guess we will.

We know that this is just part of the journey that God has set for us.  Do we understand why the prayers for complete healing have not been answered?  No, but we will accept the journey and give God the glory.  Had a wonderful experience in our class at church today and we will appreciate the friends in class for the rest of our lives!  There has been so much support from all our friends and I have confidence that God will keep those people in our lives and they will continue to support us...please, continue to pray.

It wasn't only "gloom and doom" this week-end.  After we left Houston we went directly to Ryan's in Temple and had such a good time.  Tyler and Georgia Kate were so much fun to be with this week-end.  Georgia Kate is 10 months old and loves to give open mouth kisses and then just laugh.  And Tyler is all boy and loved rough housing with me...or me with him...I'm not sure which.

We left on Saturday and drove on to Abilene to watch Justin play football.  He is a starting linebacker this year.  And, he did great!!  He was in on a lot of tackles and had a forced fumble (I had to ask what that was).  What I thought was even neater was that there were 19 of us who were there to cheer him on!  Holly and GK decided not to try to make the trip.  It was a glorious but fun!

So, here we are...just waiting to make the next move.  However we have to do it we will do it with the confidence that it is the right decision!

God is in control and holding our hand.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, thanks for sharing your thoughts. It has taken me way too long to understand the majesty and greatness of our Master. Part of that journey has led to understanding how deeply He loves and cares for His children. As eternal beings trapped in shells, few of us desire to be exposed to or to endure the difficulties of existing in these containers. And, as you know, there will come a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, when our containers will have served their usefulness, and we will be blessed with the His return. Till then, we press on, in faithfulness.
    In a recent discussion with a friend who is a Christ follower, who has had some significant difficulties with her shell, it struck me, that while all desired healing and restoration, maybe our Master was looking for faithfulness. But not just faithfulness from her, but faithfulness that would be seen by her children, grandchildren, and children yet unborn. That she would praise Him and rejoice, as best is possible, in her affliction. So, will continue to pray for y'all and, I think that I may have stated this previously, cause I say it to lots of folks, purchase a copy of Ann VosKamps "One Thousand Gifts". Then begin keeping a journal of all of the ways that y'all have been blessed. She's on 3-4000+, I've only made it to about 400. God Bless, Doug
