Monday, October 28, 2013


Well, this has taken a lot longer to post than I expected.  When we come home from M.D.Anderson we usually know the results of the petscan/endoscopy.  They always do a biopsy of the tissue around the area that they had found the cancer.  We are told they will let us know by the end of the week what the results of the biopsy is.  Ofcourse, they never do.

This time the only way we knew there was nothing showing was to see when we are to go back.  They post our next appointments on our M.D.Anderson page.  So, now I'm pretty comfortable with there being no cancer.

Roy was campaigning for a 6 month interval...didn't work.  Although, he managed to get it to 3 1/2 months.  Tried for 4 months but they compromised with what we have.  I'm fine with however long they feel we can wait.  Since Ryan and family have moved to the Houston area, I would go monthly...using that as an excuse!! 

We have really been traveling recently.  Came home yesterday from Las Cruces, New Mexico.  I leave Friday to go to Austin for a Christmas shopping week-end with my college friends.  After that, we will travel to San Antonio and then to Houston for the last football games of the season.  There again, we feel so blessed that we have been able to follow the football team and watch Justin play.  He has played through a lot of pain.  We are very proud of him.

So, please keep the prayers going.  Our doctor told us they will monitor him more closely until 2 years from the end of his treatment.  That will be July 13, 2014.  Then maybe Roy will get his way...and finally get a 6 month interval..

God is in control and holding our hands.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Groaning to the glory of the Lord

We are in the midst of a series at our church that has been a very inspirational to me.  It is taken from Romans 8 and although there are times I feel I'm "passed" the worse of this journey, I'm afraid that it might not be the case.  I always get like this before we go for Roy's next endoscopy/petscan.  I know that God does not promise a life filled with no hard ache, sadness, drama and I know that when those times come I look to Him to take my hand and guide me through to the happier glory filled days.

We leave this Friday to head for Houston.  This trip has some really high points and then we go to M.D.Anderson...not such a high point.  Ryan and family have moved to Brookshire, which is a suburb of Houston.  He accepted a job as the Deputy Superintendent of the Brookshire/Royal school district.  It has taken me some time to come to a peace about the grandkids, Tyler and Georgia Kate, not being as close as Temple.  But I'm so forunate to have friends who say to me "get over it, mine live out of state".  What would I do without them??  Ok, I'm not commenting anymore about that.  But, we are going to stay with Ryan and Holly on Friday and Saturday night.  Tyler will have his first soccer game Saturday morning.  We will also get to celebrate GK's birthday.  She turns 2 Oct. 22nd.  We are looking forward to both events and just being with them.

I also planned the M.D.Anderson testing on the Monday/Tuesday after ACU plays football on Saturday against Houston Baptist.  I'm may not be the smartest person around but I can figure out how to get the most out of a week-end!  Justin has had a rough year this year in football.  The first game of the season he broke his hand.  He has had a cast on it and played anyway.  He looked like it was a stub of a hand...really wierd.  We flew to Illinois for the Illinois State game and he had a wonderful game statiscally (13 tackles...yeah!).  The next week in practice tore his minicus and had surgery about 10 days ago.  Praying that he will be released this week to play while we are in Houston.  Ryan will get to see him play if that happens plus friends that are dear to us, Tom and Mitzi (who I know are just "dying" to watch ACU play football). We then start traveling to watch him play, back to Abilene, Las Crucas, NM, San Antonio and then back to Houston.

When one doesn't know what the future can bring, we make the most of the present.  For us that is traveling to see Justin play ball and watching as many grandkids activities as we can.

So, please keep us in your prayers over the next couple of days.  Prayers that we will have safe travels and clean endoscopy/petscan.

And, thanks to Rick Atchley for listening to the Spirit of the Lord speaking through you and to me.  If you, my friends, have a chance to listen to the messages we are having, please do so.  Website is (I think) 

God is in control and holding our hands


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Good for another ....3 months!

All the tests that Roy had done in Houston were clear of cancer cells ...Praise the Lord!!!

So, the prayer for a extended period of time before we go back was not answered.  And, that's ok.  The oncologist is not comfortable waiting 6 months.  We were told for the next year he really needs to be tested every 3 months.  So, it's really going to work out fine because they are willing to schedule the next round of tests on the Monday/Tuesday after Justin plays football for ACU against some Houston school the Saturday night before testing.  We will only make a trip to do all of it.  Ofcourse, he plays again down in the Houston area later in the season but we've got the road memorized....Buckee's...Cooper Farms are getting to know us personally.

We thought we were getting to get away and back on the road early on Tuesday.  He had a endoscopy scheduled for 10am...needed to be at the endoscopy center at 9 for prep.  They called on Monday and asked if he could come at 7am for a 8am test.  That sounded great...for him.  I'm not much of a morning person so I let him go at 7 to be prepped...I showed up at 8 and they hadn't even called him back...oops.  So it all ended up being about the same time as it was initially scheduled.  If you've ever been through multiple testing you know that can happen.  We did get to leave earlier because the oncologist worked us in an hour before the initial time.  So, it all worked out in the end...there you go!!

Thank you for the prayers.  Please keep them coming.  Each time he has his tests done and I'm waiting...I look around and thank God that he looks good and feels good in comparison to some of the patients waiting to be seen.

I'm not really very political and don't want to use this as a forum for politics BUT....I am so tired on reading on Facebook those who think Wendy Davis is "the best thing since sliced bread.".  If you me and let me tell you how I feel about abortions after 20 weeks...non surgical facilities for abortions...good grief....what little child do you know that you wouldn't want to be alive and well and a part of your life???? sorry...would delete this if I weren't so mad about it all...

God is in control and holding our hands.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just a little late.....

I'm a little late in posting this message.  We've had a busy summer so far.  Summer Spectacular at the Hills (think VBS on steroids) was great and we were blessed to have Tyler come up from Temple to spend time with us. We then met Ryan and Holly and Georgia Kate in Hillsboro to return Tyler, have Father's Day lunch and drop off Callie, Caleb and Jacob.  It was an interesting trip because Shana and Chris and Stacy and Kelly all went to beable to have lunch with Hillsboro.  (I'm thinking we need to find a more exotic place next year....maybe New York???)  Then we went back to Temple to pick up the grands who went home with Tyler for the Impact (backyard VBS) at his church.  I also went with Stan and Shana yesterday to take Josh and Callie to camp.  That was a 3 hour drive there and then back but a good time for visiting with them.

But then, it's not all about me.....this blog is really to keep those interested posted with what is happening with the journey Roy is on.
We leave in the morning for Houston again.  Roy will have his PetScan tomorrow and then an endoscopy on Tuesday.  We feel fortunate that we are spending just one night there.  Although it doesn't give us time to spend with our friends that we have enjoyed visiting with in the past.  But, it will be good to be back in the metroplex sooner as we are headed to Tennessee on Friday.  Keep our travels in your prayers please.

So, if you are reading this before our trip, thank you and please pray for good results on both of the tests.  Another prayer I'm adding for this trip...please pray that they tell us Roy can go 6 months before he has to come back.  We pray for that time, it will mean we are that much closer to being confident in there not being cancer...yea!!  If they say we do have to come back in 3 months, we are fine and will continue to make the journey.  Next trip will be timed at the same time as Justin plays football down in the Houston area.  Might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone, right??

God is in control and holding our hands.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We're good!!!

As you can tell by the title of this blog that today went very well.  Obviously, we are so thankful that nothing was found during the colonscopy that Roy had today.

I hope that this has been a learning situation for me.  I told Roy on the way home that this is going to be our lives for awhile.  We are going to be told that there maybe something wrong and that we need to have it checked out.  I will then worry about what's going to be found.  I have faith, I pray and then I worry.  I realize this is just the way it's going to be for me.  This journey is far from over.  I also know that my faith also lays in the fact that God will be in control and we will meet the challenges faceing us in the coming years.

Our oncologist in Houston is the one who suggested the colonscopy.  She is very aggressive in suggesting procedures that will keep us informed about any return of cancer.  The gastro doctor here was surprized that a colonscopy was suggested.  He seemed to think that there wasn't enough reason to worry about it.  But, we are obviously glad to learn there's nothing going on.  He is going to be treated for anemia (where's spell check??)

So, bottom line is a huge thank you to all who have been reading updates.  Without your prayers and support this journey would not be as easy to endure.  We know that God gives us people in our lives who lift us up and we are at peace and so blessed to have friends who we know love us! 

The bluebirds came back this year.  I look at them as support and a way of showing God's love for us.

God is in control and holding our hands.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10th...One Year Later

A year ago I woke knowing that something was going on with Roy that was not normal.  After three days in the hospital and on our 38th anniversary we were meeting with an oncologist starting a journey that I always knew was possible but never really expected.

Is our life the same as it was on April 9, 2012?  Probably not, but we have made the decision to live as normal as we can and take it one day at a time when it comes to what comes next.  We went on our mission trip, we went to the Olympics, we came home and went to every football game that we could.  We watched every grandchild's games, plays and whatever else we knew about.  We thanked God each time we did our "normal activities".  We pray that our acceptance of the journey we are on has made an impression on others to know they too can take the journey if need be.

M.D. Anderson has become our "home away from home" and if that's the way it has to be, so be it.  I am so thankful that they are there to guide us and support us and help us make wise decisions.  Since we started there 11 months ago I now know of 4 others who are spending time down there.  I pray for them and hope they have the peace that Roy and I have because of the doctors, nurses and PA's.  We spend alot of time with PA's.

All this to say, we have had a little "hiccup".  That's what I told my college friends this week-end I was going to call it.  All the tests came back fine (praise the Lord!!) but his blood work has made the oncologist a little nervous.  Nothing is worse than getting a call from Dr. Blum (the oncologist) on a Friday night, no less, telling Roy he needs to go ahead and get a colonoscopy, just to make sure there is no internal bleeding in the lower GI tract.  His hemoglobin count was low.  We are praying it is something to do with the knee replacement last December or possibly just anemic.  He has seen the gastro doctor here and will have the procedure next Wednesday.  Please keep him in your prayers. 

He has felt great and is working and umpiring, three nights this week.  Actually, he is feeling better than I have felt the last 3 weeks.  I spent 5 hours in the emergency room a couple of weeks ago.  Just a "touch of pneumonia"...excuse me?  What is it touching??  I'm a lot better and enjoyed my week-end raising money for the Alzheimer's Association in Abilene with my college friends.

I will let everyone know what's up with the test next week.  If there's no problems we won't go back to Houston until June!!  Halleujah!  Please be in prayer for Roy on Wednesday (and Tuesday night...yuk!)

God is in control and holding our hands


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good Reports!

We have just returned from M.D.Anderson last evening.  It appears that both the Petscan and Endoscopy were good.  They are never very positive when giving us results and that is mainly because they don't ever see very good outcomes from esophageal cancer when surgery is not done.  It's not that they say it's the worse thing that we could have decided but they always give us the impression that we still have a long way to go before they are confident in the decision that we made.  Plus we never have biopsy results initially.  They call us with that.

The surgeon did tell us that he didn't see the need for us to see him each time we come.  So, we won't make appointments with him and will only see him if needed.  The oncologist is a different story.  She would not agree to having tests done every six months.  She still feels for at least another year that we need to come back every three months.  You know, if that is all that is asked of us...we are good to go.  Every three months in Houston is a blessed event in comparison to where all this could have lead us eleven months ago.  It will be one year April 10th...and a definite diagnosis on the 13th. 

So, the four days we were gone were a true joy.  We were able to share Ryan's birthday with him on Friday.  We attended the 5k to raise money for Scott&White on Saturday.  I had planned to walk the 5k but Holly's mom and aunt and I ended up talking through it..and then we did the 1k...which was really more our speed.  Walking and talking isn't exactly my forte. 

After church on Sunday we took the grandkids to eat while Ryan and Holly had another event.  Georgia Kate is such a joy to be with and ofcourse, we never get tired of Tyler.  He does ask a lot of questions and we do spend lot's of time answering the same questions again.  He words them differently each time so it always takes me a little while to realize I've answered that question before.  I just always pray I give the same answer each time!

I managed to get sick while we were gone.  I think it was on Saturday when it was really chilly and cold.  So, I had a hacking cough the two days we were at the hospital.  I tried really hard not to cough as we were sitting waiting on tests.  The endoscopy was three hours late...the only issue was not getting to meet our friends, Tom and Mitzi for Mexican food.  That was very disappointing to both Roy and I.  I immediately came home and went to my doctor and have medicine and I'm sure at some point I will feel better...I'm sure I will...

So back to Houston in June...Justin plays football down in the Houston area next fall and we are praying that it will work out for us to make just a trip for a game and tests.  Wouldn't that be great??

Thank you for all your concern, support and prayers.  It still amazes me that we have the support of as many friends as we do and we both feels so blessed because of you!

God is in control and holding our hand.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Headed south...again

I just finish this really long blog about what all we have been doing these last couple of months....and I lost it...somewhere in the world of lost internet blogs...don't think I should ever try to write a book on-line.

Anyway, we are headed to Houston again.  We will leave Friday and go to Temple for Ryan's birthday.  On Saturday, I will walk (not run) in a 5k that raises money for Scott&White hospital.  We do that in memory of Landry.  He lived his 43 hours with us there at the hospital.  They treated us very kindly and this is just one way to help repay for all the support we were given during that time.  This is the 3rd year to walk for Landry's Legacy.  I hope we never stop.

Then on Sunday, it's on to Houston.  Roy will have both his petscan and his endoscopy on Monday.  Quite a busy day for him.  He can't eat until it's all over with Monday afternoon.  But then we're going to make up for it by having dinner with our friends Tom and Mitzi.  I can't express how much their support has meant to us while we have been in Houston.  On Tuesday we meet with both the surgeon and the oncologist to find out the results of the tests. 

Obviously, we are praying strongly that there is no cancer found in either tests.  Please continue to pray for good results.  The Lord has blessed us for the past 11 months and we continue to praise Him for those blessings.

The knee surgery that Roy had in December is continuing to heal.  Now he has two brand new knees and plans to umpire this spring.  This will be his 51st year to umpire.  I don't think I've done anything for 51 least I can't think of anything.  He is doing well and we are thankful for that also.

I will post when we get the results of the tests and in advance, thank you for your prayers.

God is in control and holding our hands.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Still on the road to recovery

I thought I would just catch anyone interested up in how Roy is doing after his 2nd knee replacement....

I think he has decided it is a good thing there's only 2 knees to have to be replaced.  This surgery has been more difficult and painful than when his first one was done last year.

One of the main reasons is the fact that he doesn't have a strong left knee.  Last year his right knee was dominate and so most of the weight was on it when he went to stand.  This year the left knee does not have the strength to support his knee that was operated on.
So, he isn't doing as much independently as he was this time last year.  Two weeks after surgery last year he went to Shay's basketball game and drove himself.  That won't be happening this year and not just because she graduated and is in college.  He would love to beable to go to Kassidy's game on Thursday but it might need to wait at least another week.

Otherwise, we are doing good.  Everyone (grandkids) is back in school, playing their sports and doing well.  Justin had his 4th knee surgery this last Friday.  He does not look forward to being Papa's age and in all likelihood having knee replacement.  Infact, he wouldn't let me tell him how they drill a hole in the bone and glue a screw in to hold the artifical knee.  Can't imagine why he didn't want to hear that.  He has already been able to "work out" on his knee...youth...wouldn't it be nice?

Just keep remembering us in your prayers.  We still have a long road to travel with cancer and the treatments but it is all good right now.

God is in control and holding our hands.