Friday, April 27, 2012

Heigh-ho...Heigh-ho, it's off to work he goes

Roy made the decision to go to work today.  It is the first time he has had a chance to work in the last two weeks, so I think he was glad to be able to be back to normal.

He did fine.  He was tired when he got home but that would be normal for him.  So, he is sitting on the back porch, watching the birds, feeling good.  Now, tomorrow maybe a different story, he is planning to umpire 3 ballgames in the morning.  I personally think it may be a little too much but he thinks he can do it.  We will see.  We are also scheduled to volunteer for Lena Pope Home tomorrow afternoon at the Ranger game.  I may ended up going alone for that.  Then Sunday we have lunch with our care group and a birthday party in Stephenville for my 96yr. old aunt.  Ya think our lives need to slow down a little???

We did get a call from M.D. Anderson yesterday to set up the appointment to see the surgeon there.  They were to call back today but we haven't heard from them.  Actually, I'm not sure we have time for that either.  Shay, our oldest grand daughter has a playoff softball game in Waco Tuesday.  You know, we have to keep our priorities straight...softball or M.D. Anderson???  Yeah, we lean toward softball.

I'm sure some are "rolling their eyes" at what I just said.  But as crazy as we know it will be in the future, if the present can be normal that's what we are hoping for.  As long as Roy is feeling the way he feels right now we will continue to live our lives the way we always have.

Pray that  he will continue to feel as good as he does.  We have been warned that next week might not be as good.  But we know we have an awesome God who will answer our prayers and with a touch of a hand make things right for us.  We pray for that.

God is in control and He is holding our hands

I will probably think of something else I meant to say after I publish this...

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